Getting Ready for Autumn! - The Jungle Collective
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Getting Ready for Autumn!

Autumn is here!

It’s time to bring our green friends indoors for the season, as you well know.

The season for growing outdoors is coming to an end as the air is changing and
the temperatures are lowering.

It’s time to get our indoor plants ready for the upcoming months as summer draws
to a close and the days grow shorter. See our advice for preparing your plants for autumn.

Credits: Vectus

1. Bring them Indoors

Once nighttime temperatures start to fall below 12.78°C, you should bring your indoor plants inside if they have been spending the summer outdoors enjoying the warmth and humidity. Though most houseplants can survive chillier temperatures that are still above freezing, they can cause leaf drop and indicate dormancy.

Be sure to carefully inspect the top and underside of the leaves as well as the stems of your plant to see if any pests have moved in. Remove dead leaves that has accumulated on the soil’s surface because that is where insects choose to hide. If you come across any insects, get rid of them by giving the leaves a good cleaning. If you find an infestation, an organic neem oil spray can be used to help deter pests.


2. Give them a Shower

Give your plants a thorough lukewarm water shower at the beginning of each season. By allowing the water to freely flow out of the bottom of the pot, you may now drain any salt buildup from the soil. Any dust that has accumulated on the leaves will be removed by the shower as well. Your plant will not only look nicer and be more protected from insects that like to hide on dusty leaves, but it will also be healthier.

After taking a shower, if you still notice dust on your plant’s leaves, wipe them down with a pair of cleaning gloves to get rid of it.


Credits: The Spruce

3. Feed Once More Before Winter

After their shower, they make use of the moist soil to replenish their nutrition one last time before the season change. Don’t go overboard; instead, use an all-purpose water-soluble fertilizer that has been diluted to half the suggested concentration.


4. Trim Aged or Unsightly Leaves

With sharp, clean plant snips, remove any yellowing or browning leaves to finish cleaning up your plants. To reduce the transfer of bacteria or any disease from plant to plant, be sure to clean the shears with rubbing alcohol after each snip.


5. Find The Best Lighting

As the days get shorter, the sun is lower in the sky, which changes the way sunlight hits your space. If you have shade trees nearby that shed their leaves in the fall, this can also allow more direct light into your space. Where you put your plants in the spring and summer may not be the best place to light them in the fall and winter. Notice how light enters your space and adjust the plant’s placement based on its lighting preferences. 


6. Repot When Needed

Is your plant bigger than its pot? To check, carefully remove the plant from the pot and observe the roots. If the roots are wrapping around the bottom of the pot, or even growing through drainage holes or sticking out of the ground, it’s time to adjust their size and move to a larger pot. 


Looking for a bright, colourful houseplant to add some colour to your home during autumn and winter?

Above are our favourite houseplants for bringing a pop of colour into your home during autumn! SHOP NOW




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