How to care for fiddle leaf figs and other indoor figs - The Jungle Collective
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How to care for fiddle leaf figs and other indoor figs




The majestic fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) has become a superstar in the world of indoor plants. With its large, glossy leaves and architectural form, it adds a touch of sophistication and jungle vibes to any space. But its popularity comes with a reputation for being a bit fussy. Fear not, fellow plant enthusiasts! With a little know-how, you can nurture your fiddle leaf fig and its fellow indoor figgy friends to verdant success.

Light Up Their Lives:

Most indoor figs crave bright, indirect sunlight. Think about the dappled light filtering through a forest canopy – that’s the ideal situation. Avoid harsh, direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. South-facing windows are generally too intense, while north-facing ones might not offer enough light. East or west windows with sheer curtains are often perfect spots.

Watering Wisdom:

Overwatering is the arch-nemesis of indoor figs. Their roots prefer to dry out slightly between waterings. Here’s a simple trick: stick your finger into the soil about an inch deep. If it feels dry, it’s watering time. If it feels moist, hold off and check again in a few days. When you do water, soak the soil thoroughly until water runs out the drainage holes. Discard any excess water in the drainage tray to prevent root rot.

Feeding Frenzy (Not Really):

Indoor figs don’t require frequent feeding, especially during the cooler months. A balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer applied once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) is sufficient. Over-fertilizing can lead to leaf burn and mineral build-up in the soil.

Humidity Haven:

Indoor environments tend to be drier than the tropical rainforests these figs hail from. To create a more humid environment, mist the leaves regularly with room-temperature water, especially during winter when dry indoor heating can be a culprit for crispy leaf edges.

Potting Perfection:

Choose a pot with good drainage for your fig. A pot that’s just slightly larger than the root ball is ideal. Repotting is typically only necessary every 1-2 years, or when roots start pushing out the drainage holes. opt for a well-draining potting mix specifically formulated for houseplants.

Location, Location, Location:

Once you find a happy spot for your fig, try not to move it around too much. These plants dislike sudden changes in light and temperature. Keep them away from drafts, air vents, and cold windows. A gentle rotation every week or so ensures even growth on all sides.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Lose Leaves:

Don’t panic if your fig loses a few lower leaves occasionally. This is a natural part of the aging process. However, excessive leaf drop can be a sign of stress. Check for signs of underwatering, overwatering, insufficient light, or pests.

Common Figgy Foes:

Indoor figs can be susceptible to common houseplant pests like mealybugs and spider mites. Regularly wiping down the leaves with a damp cloth helps deter these unwelcome visitors. If you notice an infestation, insecticidal soap or neem oil spray can be effective solutions.

Beyond the Fiddle Leaf Fig:

There’s a whole world of indoor figs waiting to be explored! Here are a few popular choices, each with slightly different needs:

  • Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina): Known for its cascading branches and smaller leaves, this fig is a bit more tolerant of lower light conditions than the fiddle leaf fig.
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): This low-maintenance fig boasts thick, glossy leaves and comes in both green and variegated varieties.
  • Fiddle Leaf Fig Cousins (Ficus lyrata varieties): Explore the ‘Bambino’ for a compact version or the ‘Burgundy’ for stunning, deep red foliage.


With proper care and a little TLC, your indoor figs will reward you with years of lush growth and stunning visual interest. So, embrace the figgy fun and create a vibrant indoor jungle that thrives!





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