What Pet friendly plants should I buy? - A fur parent’s guide to greenery - The Jungle Collective
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What Pet friendly plants should I buy? – A fur parent’s guide to greenery


Let’s face it, fur babies bring endless joy and love into our lives. But sometimes, their playful curiosity can clash with our desire for a vibrant, green home. You might find yourself whispering, “What pet-friendly plants should I buy?” between frantic attempts to redirect a furry tornado away from your prized fiddle-leaf fig.

Fear not, fellow fur parent! This guide is here to banish those worries and turn you into a confident plant-parenthood pro. We’ll explore a variety of pet-safe botanical wonders that will not only add a touch of nature’s elegance to your space but also provide a safe haven for your leafy obsession, all while keeping your precious pup or playful kitty happy and healthy.

So, grab your favorite mug of pawsitive vibes coffee (or catnip tea!), put on some calming tunes, and get ready to discover a world of pet-friendly greenery that will transform your home into a haven of happiness for both you and your furry companion.


  1. SPIDER PLANT – CHLOROPHYTUM COMOSUM  – This is a popular houseplant for a reason. It’s easy to care for, tolerates a wide range of light conditions, and is non-toxic to cats and dogs. Spiderettes (baby spider plants) cascade from the mother plant, adding a unique touch.


2. STRING OF PEARLS VARIEGATED – SENECIO ROWLEYANUS – This succulent is known for its long, cascading vines adorned with plump, pearl-like leaves. It thrives in bright, indirect light and infrequent watering. String of Pearls is non-toxic to pets.



3. CALATHEA FASCIATA – This stunning plant has large, round leaves with a velvety texture and a beautiful, striped pattern. Calathea Orbifolia prefers bright, indirect light and high humidity. It is non-toxic to pets.


4. FITTONIA ANN – NERVE PLANT – Nicknamed the Nerve Plant because of the intricate veining on its leaves, Fittonia comes in a variety of colors, including green, red, and pink. It prefers bright, indirect light and high humidity. Fittonia is non-toxic to pets.

5. PEPEROMIA OBTUSIFOLIA VARIEGATA – BABY RUBBER PLANT – This low-maintenance succulent features small, round leaves with distinctive red spots. It thrives in bright, indirect light and infrequent watering. Peperomia Pepperspot is non-toxic to pets.


6. MARANTA RED VEIN – PRAYER PLANT – also known as the Red Prayer Plant (Calathea insignis), is considered pet-friendly! This means it’s non-toxic to both cats and dogs.



7. HAWORTHIA ATTENUATA – WIDE ZEBRA – These small succulents are safe for pets and come in a variety of shapes and patterns, making them a charming addition to any space.



8. CALATHEA INSIGNIS – RATTLESNAKE PLANT – With its striking foliage pattern, the rattlesnake plant is safe for pets and thrives in moderate to low light conditions.



9. PEPEROMIA ARGYREIA – WATERMELON PEPEROMIA – Named for its resemblance to watermelon rinds, this peperomia variety is safe for pets and offers unique, eye-catching foliage.

Congratulations, fellow fur parent! You’ve officially unlocked the secrets to a vibrant oasis where leafy delights coexist peacefully with playful paws (or claws!). Remember, incorporating pet-safe plants isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about creating a shared sanctuary where everyone flourishes. Plants can be natural air purifiers, mood boosters, and even stress-reducers – benefits that extend to your furry companions as well.

Now, with this newfound knowledge as your weapon, unleash your inner plant explorer! Don’t be overwhelmed by the botanical bounty at your local nursery. Instead, view it as a journey of discovery! Research plants that speak to your style and care level. Ask the experts, feel the textures, explore colors, and most importantly, have fun!

Every plant parent starts somewhere. Embrace the occasional spilled pot or a nibbled leaf as a badge of honor – a testament to the life you’re nurturing in your home. So, take that first pawsitive step, choose a pet-friendly plant that sparks joy, and witness your living space transform into a haven of happiness for both you and your furry friend. After all, isn’t that the essence of fur parenthood – creating a life brimming with love, laughter, and a touch of verdant magic?





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