Philodendron Hastatum - Silver Sword Archives - The Jungle Collective

Philodendron Hastatum Silver Sword, a shining gem in The Jungle Collective’s repertoire of exotic plants. Originating from the tropical rainforests of Brazil, this spectacular plant brandishes sword-like leaves with a silvery hue, lending an air of nobility and grace to any space. Perfectly suited for both indoor elegance and outdoor splendor in subtropical environments, the Silver Sword’s unique appearance makes it a stunning centerpiece. Its resilient nature and eye-catching aesthetic make it an essential addition for those who appreciate a touch of the extraordinary in their botanical collection. Drawn your sword and embrace the regal charm of the Philodendron Hastatum Silver Sword, turning your living space into a kingdom of lush green beauty!

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While Philodendron hastatum Silver Sword can tolerate lower light conditions, it thrives best in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some morning or filtered sunlight but avoid exposing it to direct, intense sunlight for prolonged periods as it may damage the leaves.

Water your Silver Sword when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. It's essential to allow the soil to partially dry out between waterings to avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot. Adjust the watering frequency based on the environmental conditions and season.

Yes, you can propagate your Silver Sword through stem cuttings. Take cuttings with at least two nodes and place them in water or a well-draining potting mix. Ensure the cuttings receive indirect light and maintain adequate humidity for successful rooting.

During the growing season (spring and summer), you can fertilize your Silver Sword with a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength every two to four weeks. Reduce or halt fertilization during the winter months when growth slows down.

If you want your Silver Sword to climb, provide it with a trellis, moss pole, or other suitable support structure. Secure the vines to the support using soft ties or plant clips. Regularly check and adjust the ties as the plant grows.

Silver Sword can be susceptible to pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Regularly inspect your plant for any signs of infestation and take prompt action using organic or chemical pest control methods. Ensure proper ventilation and avoid overwatering to prevent fungal diseases.

Silver Sword can be kept outdoors in suitable climates, preferably in shaded or partially shaded areas. Ensure it is protected from direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions. If you live in a colder region, it's best to bring the plant indoors during winter or when temperatures drop below its tolerance level.

Remember, individual care requirements may vary, so observe your Silver Sword closely and adjust care accordingly.

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Trish Weyland
Trish Weyland
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Timely delivery, good condition plants, great variety

7 months ago
Angela RYAN
Angela RYAN
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Plants arrived in time frame stated, in healthy condition, packed well. Would order from the site again

7 months ago
Alicia Chow
Alicia Chow
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I enjoyed shopping at The Jungle Collective. They have a huge variety of unique and rare plants for decent prices. The plants arrived in great condition. Highly recommended!

8 months ago
Image #1 from Cheryl Steele
Cheryl Steele
Cheryl Steele
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Just love my new plants. They arrived in good condition and have settled in happily. Very pleased

1 year ago
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First rate customer Service! We had issues with delivery but Gretchen turned around the experience and made sure we received our plant and pot holder! Everything was perfect!

5 months ago
Verified ownerVerified owner

Great plants and great customer serviceI am very pleased with the customer service provided. My plants got delivered to a wrong address (by my mistake) and I wasn't able to get them back. I was sure that I lost my $200 worth of plants, but Gretchen from customer service was absolutely amazing and replaced my order. I was very impressed as I did not expect this to happen at all.
Thank you very much! I will order again!

5 months ago


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