Oxalis Triangularis Plant Care Tips - The Jungle Collective
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Oxalis Triangularis Plant Care Tips

We’ve managed to direct a Kaleidoscope of Purple Butterflies into one convenient pot for your Oxalis Triangularis pleasure!! But get in quick before they all flutter out!! 🧚‍♀️ 💜 🧚‍♀️ 💜 🧚‍♀️

📷: @the_succulent_beauty



Where to buy Oxalis Triangularis in Australia?

Why we’re glad you asked as we do our best to have a steady supply of Oxalis Triangularis. Click here to Buy Oxalis Triangularis in Australia! 


Oxalis Triangularis Introduction

Famous for quite obvious reasons, the magnificent Oxalis Triangularis has taken the World by storm for it’s showy purple butterfly like leaves and cute, delicate white flowers. But drop-dead gorgeous aesthetics isn’t the Oxalis Triangularis’ only claim to fame, also capturing the spotlight in viral timelapse videos as it chases and dances the days away following the suns light. Best of all it’s quick grower, easy to care for and as it grows it shoots out new bulb offshoots which you can split to make even more plants! Let’s face it, the more Oxalis Triangularis in your life the better! Below are some tips to keep you Oxalis Triangularis one happy chappy:


Is Oxalis Triangularis a Weed?

This is a very common question we come across when discussing Oxalis Triangularis, this is because there are varieties of Oxalis (a big & diverse plant family) that are nuisance weeds in many Australian gardens giving the whole family a bad name. There are over 800 known varieties of Oxalis and only a small handful have become problem weeds. Oxalis Triangularis is not a known weed and from its characteristics would seem a very low risk as it is less robusts, less aggressive and less invasive than the infamous weed varieties. In Australia, it is mostly enjoyed as an Indoor Plant, but it can be grown outdoors in shaded locations. Although a low risk of becoming a weed, it is not native to Australia so as always dispose of with care (if you’re ever crazy enough to part with this beauty!).


Oxalis Triangularis Care Tips Introduction

Despite it’s delicate appearance, the Oxalis Triangularis is actually quite a resilient and easy plant to care for and we often even see it grown in harsh outdoor environments. Being bulbous, even if something bad is to happen to your plant, such as an attack of rust or the leaves dying back from a stretch of neglect, in the right conditions it is a fast grower and will shoot out new leaves within a week or two. So fear not, the Oxalis Triangularis is a forgiving gal and will bring you much joy for years to come!


Planting Oxalis Triangularis Bulbs

You can buy Oxalis Triangularis as bulbs or as we sell them as more mature plants, potted and with numerous established leaves. If starting with a bulb, with your finger push into the soil to create a nice hole for the bulb to be placed into. The bulb should be planted around 1 inch (2.5cm) below the surface of the soil, with the flatter end of the bulb at the bottom and the bulb pointing upwards. To be honest from our experience it doesn’t even matter if you place the bulb upside down or sideways, planting sideways leaves will generally shoot along the whole length of the side and if upside down the bulb will often shoot from both ends. It might slow growth down a little initially but long-term it shouldn’t have much consequence. In the right conditions there should be some signs of growth within about 10 days to 2 weeks although depending on temperatures etc this can vary slightly.


Oxalis Triangularis Lighting & Position

Oxalis will grow best with lots of bright, indirect light. To prevent your oxalis from getting overly leggy/leaning to one side – rotate the pot a 1/4 turn once a week or so. If it is getting leggy or the colour of the leaves a bit washed out it often is a sign that it could do better in a brighter spot.


Oxalis Triangularis Watering

In summer allow the soil to dry out somewhat between watering. To monitor this, you can use your finger to poke into the top 10 cm of potting mix and feel the soil moisture level before watering. Over watering can lead to fungal issues or root rot. During winter, when the plant isn’t in an active growing phase you should reduce watering frequency even further. 

As with all plants, drainage is essential. Ensure that whatever vessel your plant is in, there are sufficient holes in the bottom to allow excess water to freely drain from the pot and away from the plant’s roots. 


Oxalis Triangularis Humidity

Oxalis prefers good air flow to prevent fungal infection. 


Oxalis Triangularis Fertiliser

Feed with liquid fertiliser fortnightly over the warm, growing period and not at all over the cooler winter months.

We recommend using our Plant Food available here


Oxalis Triangularis Extra Tips

 It’s completely normal for older leaves to fade in colour or brown off as they age. Prune off any damaged or dying leaves using a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs so that the plant can put more energy into the newer, healthier growth. 

Oxalis is easily propagated when repotting by separating out a few of the little root bulbils and popping them into a new pot.


Oxalis Triangularis Toxicity

Although Oxalis is toxic it has a very bitter taste to repel anything or anyone who tries to eat it, and this is often enough to deter dogs and cats from eating more than the occasional mouthful. However, when ingested in large quantities it can result in poisoning in cats, dogs and humans.


Oxalis Triangularis Vulnerability to Pests & Disease

Oxalis Triangularis for the most part is a fairly easy going plant. Overwatering, like with all plants can encourage fungus gnats. The most common disease from our experience for Oxalis Triangularis is rust. Rust is a fungal disease that can take hold and spread if the plant is too damp or moist. To avoid you want to encourage good air circulation and avoid watering the leaves. Oxalis leaves can be delicate so rust fungicides may burn the leaves. The best option may be to get the conditions optimal, remove and destroy the existing leaves, treat the soil and allow for new growth. Oxalis are fast growers, the main thing is to address the underlying causes to avoid any repeats in the future.

For more information on how to manage common plant pests, head to our blog here.


How to divide / propagate your Oxalis Triangularis

Oxalis Triangularis tends to be a relatively quick grower in the right conditions and as it grows it will produce offshoot bulbs. You can either keep these in the pot where your plant will grow increasingly thick with more and more leaves or if you want you can divide the bulbs to produce more plants. It’s quite clear where the offshoot bulbs start and end so simply snap off their connection to the main bulb and they are fine to plant straight into soil.


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